Il Ciclo di Miglioramento nel Lavoro con i Giovani

Il Ciclo di Miglioramento nel Lavoro con i Giovani is a italian translation of the Youth Work Growth Cycle.

The Youth Work Growth Circle is a quality system that points to the important processes that constitute youth work. This evidence based system is based on 2 important “missions” of a youth worker, youth leader or leader of an organisation in the youth field:

Mission 1: Encourage young people to participate

Mission 2: Keep groups strong and growing

For download click the pictue:

ABC of youth work How to work with groups in the changing world

Youth Work Growth Cycle

Suggestion of A Training Course

Mentoring scheme

Desk Research: Young people in digital era and youth work

Der Youth Work Growth Circle
Krąg Rozwoju Pracy z Młodzieżą